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A Cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information it contains and the way in which they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize to user.
Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet, providing innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating the navigation and usability of our website. The information we provide below will help you understand the different types of cookies:
When you press How to configure, you must insert a link that goes to the following information provided in the Cookies Policy document:
“Likewise, ENJOY WINE SL informs the user that they have the possibility of configuring their browser so that they are informed of the reception of cookies, being able, if they so wish, to prevent them from being installed on their hard drive.
A continuación le proporcionamos los enlaces de diversos navegadores, a través de los cuales podrá realizar dicha configuración:
Finally, remember to update the table in the Cookies Policy document, indicating the Cookies that your page web installs with navigation by the user


In compliance with the provisions of article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, this document is intended to inform the user of the policy for the use of storage devices and recovery of data in terminal equipment (hereinafter cookies) by ENJOY WINE, SL (ENJOY WINE) in its capacity as provider of information society services through this website (hereinafter the site or website) so that the user can decide whether or not to authorize the use of cookies on the terminal equipment used when browsing through the site.


Cookies and/or data storage and retrieval devices in terminal equipment (hereinafter cookies) are files or text files that a web server downloads and stores on a user’s computer/smartphone/tablet (hereinafter computer) when accessing to certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the navigation made from said equipment. For this reason, cookies can store information about the user’s computer or about their browsing sessions on the websites they have visited.
In short, and in relation to our site, cookies are a message sent by the ENJOY WINE server, to the computer from which the user is browsing the Internet, consisting of text files that are stored in the memory of your computer and that They collect information related to the page you visit, the time you are connected to the Internet, and other data depending on the type of cookie. Cookies are sent to the ENJOY WINE server each time the user enters the ENJOY WINE website. However, in general, cookies cannot read data stored on your computer or read cookie files created by other providers.


The user is then informed of the cookies used by the website, as well as a description of the purpose.
The cookies used by ENJOY WINE are:
  • Basic cookies
The “Cookies” used on this website1 are listed below:
  • Name
  • cookie type
  • Expiration
  • Description and use
In any case, and in relation to the cookies listed and described, the user can configure the options of the browser installed on their computer to allow or disable the storage of cookies, or configure their elimination.


In relation to the use of cookies on this website that we have described in the previous section, the user is informed that they authorize and consent to their use through the following forms or modalities:
a) By checking the I ACCEPT box indicated in the informative banner that heads the website in the first layer of information2. You can also accept the use of cookies by browsing the site when you click or click anywhere on it. In both ways, you will be expressing your consent so that ENJOY WINE can host and use the types of cookies that have been described in the previous section, on the device from which the user browses.
However, the user is warned that, despite the initial acceptance of the use of cookies, at any time you can revoke your consent to the use of cookies on this website, deleting the cookies from your computer and configuring your browser to deactivate them. The revocation will not have retroactive effects and the user is also informed that, in such a case, certain services and contents of this website could be inaccessible, which may prevent them from enjoying said services and contents (such as, INDICATE BY ENJOY WINE 3).
b) In addition, when technically possible and effective, the user’s consent to accept the treatment of cookies will be understood to be facilitated by the configuration that the user has made of the browser or other applications to navigate through the site allowing the use of cookies. .
The user must bear in mind that their authorization for the use of cookies will be valid for any section of the ENJOY WINE site since the login on the ENJOY WINE website is valid for navigation between all sections4.


The user has the option to stop accepting the use of cookies and data storage and recovery devices at any time through his browser, or stop accepting them each time he starts a browsing session on our website.
Most browsers allow you to change cookie settings and data storage and retrieval devices. These settings are usually found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of the user’s browser.
Below, the user is shown an orientation on the steps to access the cookie configuration menu and, where appropriate, private browsing in each of the main browsers5:
  • Internet Explorer:
    For more information, you can refer to Microsoft support or browser Help.
  • Firefox:
    For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help.
  • Chrome:
    For more information, you can consult Google support or the browser Help.
  • Safari:
    For more information, you can refer to Apple support or browser Help.


Cookies are text files that a web server downloads and stores on the user’s computer when accessing certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the user’s browsing from said computer but, as a general rule, they do not collect data of a personal nature. staff.
However, when the user has registered on our website, ENJOY WINE can associate the cookies downloaded to their computer with the user’s personal data. For such purposes, for more information, the user should consult our Privacy and Data Protection Policy to obtain more information about the purposes of the processing of their personal data.
To make use of the site after registering, it is necessary to store or access cookies of a technical nature by ENJOY WINE in order to carry out the provision of the information society service expressly requested by the user. 7.-UPDATE


Occasionally we will update these conditions and policy of cookies and data storage and retrieval devices. Any modification of these conditions will be published on this website. From the moment ENJOY WINE informs the user of the new conditions by publishing them on our website, these conditions will apply, replacing those previously published. It is the responsibility of the user to periodically access these conditions published on our website in order to know the latest version at all times.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law and for any litigation that may arise from its interpretation and/or application, waiving any other jurisdiction, the matter will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Pedralv


The user is informed that ENJOY WINE will gratefully receive the comments that they want to make, the suggestions that they want to provide us or the queries that they send us in relation to this cookie policy. To do this, or if you have any questions, the user can contact ENJOY WINE through the contact form on this website.6