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Conventional Wines and Organic Wines, What are the Differences?

An organic wine is a wine produced by organic farming, that is, without the use of insecticides and pesticides in the vineyard and in the cellar. But then, what is the difference between organic and biodynamic wine? Biodynamic wine goes further by using the lunar calendar so that the plant, the soil and the stars combine to strengthen the vine, improve the yield and the quality of the wine. The use of sulfur is even lower than that of organic wines.

So what is a conventional wine?

It is the most common method that uses all the tools and chemicals allowed by the regulations, from growing the vine to making the wine, to prevent vine diseases, yield-damaging insects and bad bacteria in the came.

Over the years, it has been discovered that the soil needs microfauna and bacteria to function: the use of chemicals impoverishes the life of the soil, and the expression of the terroir is no longer found in the canopy. Thus, a well-crafted organic wine expresses a balance in the mouth that is not to the liking of consumers. However, an organic winegrower must correctly control the cultivation of his grapes, because fewer treatments mean more bacteria and, therefore, a greater risk of obtaining a faulty wine.

So, fashion or conscience?

Both. There is a real awareness on the part of consumers thanks to the information that circulates on the web, social networks and television. The European population is increasingly aware of the environment and it has become a priority for most people to take care of themselves. However, viticulturists or wine industry groups do not stop feeding this information for commercial purposes, in order to create a “fashionable” product but “organic” also allows additional people to work since the machines are much less requested and the quality of the raw material is preserved by avoiding any aggressiveness of the plant… it is up to you to decide whether you prefer to drink less expensively for economic reasons or to drink more expensively for ethical reasons

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